What to do in Spain when you suspect to have the Coronavirus?

NOTICE related to the new CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19). 

  • If you have symptoms compatible with an acute respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, or feeling of short of breath, and if you come from risk areas or have been in contact with a patient with a confirmed of COVID-19, you must stay at your home or accommodation and contact by phone with 900300555 where you will be informed about the procedure to follow.


  • If you are in good health and if you come from risk areas or have been in contact with a patient with the COVID-19 diagnosis confirmed, you can lead your normal life (family, work, leisure and / or school). Monitor your health during the 14 days following your departure from risk areas or your contact with the patient. If during this period you have a symptomatology compatible with an acute respiratory infection, such as fever, cough or feeling of shortness of breath, you must stay at your home or accommodation and contact 900300555  where you will be informed about the procedure to follow.

(source: Consumo y Bienestar Social – Profesionales – Enfermedad por nuevo coronavirus, COVID-19)

In case of doubt you can always contact the clinic.