Keep in mind that the SIP card does not guarantee that you will get the vaccine. However, in the face of the silence of the health authorities, it is the only thing we can advise you to be ‘visible’ for them.

I am not a resident!  How do I obtain a temporary SIP-card*?

The following has been discussed and tested in Benissa. We cannot guarantee that this method will be the same for all municipalities in Spain, but it will not differ much from each other.

Step 1. I am NOT YET registered in my municipality.

You go to the OAC = Oficina d’Atenció a la Ciutadania = Citizen Advice Bureau. Purpose is: Registration in the population register = Alta en padrón de habitantes (* 1). What do I have to bring along?

  1. All family members.
  2. Your passport or ID card.
  3. Your original NIE Certificate (if you have one) (* 2).
  4. A housing certificate. For a home owner, this is a copy of the  escritura (* 3). I you rent a house, this is the copy of the contract= el contrato de arrendamiento .
  5. Also bring: one invoice from the Water or IBI or electricity in your name.

After you are sure that you have the above documents in your possession, it is time to join the OAC office in your municipality (* 4)
When the formalities have been completed, you will be in possession of the: Certificado de Empadronamiento = the Registration Certificate, this certificate is valid for 6 months

Step 2. I am registered in my municipality.

But my municipal registration has expired after 6 months. You go to the OAC = Oficina d’Atenció a la Ciutadania = Citizen Advice Bureau.
Act as above, things can vary per municipality and, just to be safe, take all the necessary documents with you.
For Benissa, under the current corona conditions, for citizens already registered, it is sufficient to identify themselves by means of a passport or ID card and you will immediately receive your new Certificado de Empadronamiento = the Registration Certificate, this certificate is valid for 6 months.

Step 3. We are now in possession of the Certificado de empadronamiento . What next?

You are now prepared to make your way to the Centro de Salud where the temporary SIP card will be issued (* 5)

Just a few things to know in advance.
For each location of the Centro de Salud , the temporary SIP card can be issued within a certain time slot, please inform in advance to avoid disappointment. There is a regulated entry policy, your temperature is measured, you must disinfect your hands and you are assigned a seat. Be on time and take your time.

What do I have to bring along?

The Centro de Salud will ask you for a telephone number where you can be reached, if you have a Spanish telephone number please indicate this, this will save you a lot of extra time. The system is not properly set up to record foreign telephone numbers and you will need some persuasion and time to register a foreign number. If you already have an expired temporary SIP card, please take it with you. This will save you considerably in handling time.
If you have taken these steps and tested your patience, you will have your temporary SIP Card. Congratulations.

Facts and answers

Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual SIP: The SIP Health Card identifies of each citizen the type of services and health benefits that she/he legally and individually has recognized in the Valencian Community. The information contained therein is extracted from the data collected by the Population Information System (SIP) of the Conselleria de Sanitat. Being in possession of the SIP Health Card does not imply having the right to public health. The Individual Health Cards issued by the Ministry of Health, will not modify, if applicable, the obligation of their holders or third parties to assume the cost of health care provided by the public health system of the Valencian Community.

(* 1) You can be registered in the municipal civil administration in the UK and Spain at the same time.

(* 2) If you are renting here temporarily, a NIE is not mandatory, depending on how long you are staying here. A NIE, nevertheless, is very useful. It can become more difficult to obtain your proof of housing.

(* 3) The Escritura is the title deed of the property issued by the notary.

(* 4)
Benissa OAC Carrer Pare Andrés, nº 21, bajo, 03720 Benissa,
(located on the main square, the church is behind your back. Right across the street).
Open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone 965 83 36 00. No need to make an appointment.

Calpe OAC Av. de Ifach, 12, 03710 Calpe
Open 09: 00h. a 14: 00h Telephone 965 83 36 00
Opening hours may vary, make an appointment, not known.

Teulada Moraira Ajuntament OAC is located at Avda Santa Caterina, 2 03725 Teulada
Open 09: 00h. a 14: 00h Telephone 965 740 158
Opening hours may vary, make an appointment, not known.

(* 5)

Tel. cita prèvia 965739100 Tel. by appointment
Tel. d’urgències 965739105 Tel. Emergency services 24/7
Tel. del center 965739103 Tel. from the center
For a temporary Sip card you can visit on working days from 11.30 am to 2.00 pm an appointment is not necessary

Tel. cita prèvia 966870450 Tel. by appointment
Tel. d’urgències 966870451 Tel. Emergency services 24/7
Tel. del center 966870453 Tel. from the center
Contact the Centro about the issuance time of the temporary SIP Card

Tel. cita prèvia 966870450 Tel. by appointment
Tel. d’urgències 966870451 Tel. Emergency services 24/7
Tel. del center 966870453 Tel. from the center
Contact the Centro about the issuance time of the temporary SIP Card

Tel. cita prèvia 966429660 Tel. by appointment
Tel. d’urgències 966428153 Tel. Emergency services 24/7
Tel. del center 966428156 Tel. from the center
Contact the Centro about the issuance time of the temporary SIP Card

Other centros de salud in our region.

Thanks to F. and G. Assink!